Mrs N Fitzpatrick - English Subject Leader
At Eccleston Lane Ends Primary School reading is at the heart of our curriculum and we recognise that it underpins all subjects. Our aim is to ensure our pupils leave us as skilled and motivated readers with a love of reading. We are committed to ensuring all our pupils become successful readers who can confidently discuss the books they have enjoyed.
To provide a quality curriculum that aims to inspire an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage and a habit of reading widely and often.
The School aims to:
- encourage a love of reading by making it a successful and enjoyable experience;
- produce effective readers;
- provide a wide and stimulating variety of texts;
- build up a sound base of reading strategies using phonic awareness;
- develop initial and advanced reading skills;
Reading is an important part of the English curriculum in our school. In Key Stage 1, home reading books are organised on a banding system ensuring the children read books appropriate to their level (the children’s reading should be 99% accurate in these books). These books will be provided and sent home on a daily basis for parents to read with their children (2 books changed weekly). These books will fully link to the RWI scheme and the sounds the children are working on in their group. Reading resources will provide enriching vocabulary, correct grammatical structure and interesting content.
Each parent is given the opportunity to liaise with teachers through reading record books, which record when the children have been listened to in school by a member of staff or a volunteer, and at home, and any issues or positives there may be. Children who have moved on from the reading scheme have access to the class book selection and school library or they can bring a book to read from home.
Children in our school are encouraged to read widely. They have access to class libraries in which they can take this book home to read. They are also encouraged to bring books in from home that they are reading. Children also have access to listening to a range of texts through their class novel which the teacher reads to them as much as possible throughout the week.
Shared and guided reading taking place within reciprocal reading and English lessons will provide enriching experiences through more challenging texts. Teachers will also share stories with the class displaying an enthusiasm for reading and setting a positive example as a reader.
Phonics is taught daily in Early Years Foundation Stage following the ‘Read Write Inc’ scheme. This will involve a 20 minute daily session of planned systematic phonics’ delivery, with a wide opportunity for application of skills through the environment and other lessons.
EYFS also have a reading spine of brilliant high quality texts linking to their subject areas for each half term, as well as also linking to our school values of honesty, cooperation, determination, kindness, inclusion and respect. EYFS have also planned a range of high quality diversity texts, linking to BAME, cultural diversity, neurodiversity, physical disabilities and different families.
Please see phonics & early reading page for more information.
At Eccleston Lane Ends, we have developed a community of enthusiastic readers who enjoy reading and sharing their favourite books. Children are more confident in taking risks in their reading, picking more challenging reads. Reading outcomes are evident in the high quality of work produced and through the excellent links with foundation subjects.
Children are assessed on their reading ability using RWI teacher assessments, phonics screening checks, NFER assessments and through teacher judgements.
Attainment at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 is above that of the Local and National Average. The percentage of children working at greater depth are also significantly greater than that of Local and National averages. Children also achieve highly in the phonics screening check.
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