
What Do Governors Do? 

The governing body's main aim is to help raise standards of achievement and make sure that the school provides a good quality of education. The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibilty of the headteacher and staff. Rather than manage, governors are there to help shape the school's future direction and focus. 

The three main responsibilites of every governing board are:

  1. Setting the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 

E.L.E. Governors

As of November 2023-24 our Governing Body is comprised of the following members: 


Ms Tracy Leather

Co-opted Governor

Chair of Governors

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none


Miss Sarah Bond

Staff (Headteacher)

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

Mrs Charlotte Johnson

Co-opted Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none


Ms Nicola Fitzpatrick

Staff Governor (Teacher)

Chair of Governors

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

Mr Ron Sims

Foundation Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none


Mr Kevin O'Keeffe

Foundation Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

Michelle Leadbetter.jpg

Mrs Michelle Leadbetter

Parent Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none


Mrs Jennifer Tickle

Foundation Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none


Cllr Phillip Cass

Local Authority Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - Governor at Rainhill High School, Eccleston Parish Councillor


Mr Chris Fray

Parent Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

Mr Martyn Stanway

Parent Governor

Business Interest - Spouse is director of a speech and language company working with one or more pupils in school

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

Mr Nathan Davies

Parent Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - St Mary's CofE Primary School


Mrs Claire Brennan

Parent Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

Mr Daniel Leather

Parent Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none


Ms Alison Finney

Co-opted Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - Governor at Rainhill High School


Mrs Karen Molyneux

Co-opted Governor

Business Interest - Nil return

Financial Interest - Nil return

Governance in other schools - none

How to contact the Governing Body

In the event that you should need to contact any member of the Governing Body, please put your request in writing and/or refer your query to our school office. As soon as possible, your request will be forwarded to the appropriate member of the Governing Body. 

Governor Declaration Records - click here

Governor Responsibilities 

Governor Name

Curriculum Link

Additional Responsibilities 

Miss Sarah Bond


Mrs Claire Brennan



Cllr Phil Cass

Modern Foreign Languages


School Appeals

Mrs Michelle Leadbetter


Mental Health & Well-being

School Council

Mrs Alison Finney


Pay Committee

Headteacher Perf. Management

Personnel, School Complaints

Pay Appeals

Mrs Nicola Fitzpatrick

Mrs Charlotte Johnson

Physical Education


School Complaints

Governor Forum Representative

Mrs Tracy Leather (Chair) 


School Council

Personnel, Pupil Discipline

Pay Appeals, Children in Public Care, Safeguarding

Headteacher Perf. Management

Mr Daniel Leather


Mr Kevin O'Keeffe

Design & Technology

School Complaints

Pay Appeals

Mr Martyn Stanway


Mr Ron Sims


School Appeals

Pay Appeals

Mrs Jennifer Tickle



Personnel, School Complaints

Pay Committee, ASC

Headteacher Perf. Management

Mr Chris Fray

Art & Design

Mrs Karen Molyneux

Religious Education

Terms of Office

Please see attached document for Governor constiution and terms of office. Constitution & Terms of Office 

Eccleston Lane Ends Financial Benchmarking 

The financial committee of Eccleston Lane Ends Governing Body carry out financial benchmarking and analysis exercises annually in order to ensure our best value use of resources. Please click hereto compare our school with other similar schools. 

Click here for information on how to become a governor

Click here to visit the 'National Governors Association' website

Click here for Governor's Area


Contact us at Eccleston Lane Ends Primary School

Business Manager: Mrs H Simms
SENCo: Ms C Grant
Albany Avenue
Eccleston Park
L34 2QN