Attendance, Punctuality and School Opening Hours


School attendance is incredibly important at Eccleston Lane Ends. Our attendance target for this year is: 


Well done to all of our families! We hit our attendance target of 96% for 2022-23! We are really proud of this fact and of all of our children who achieved 100% attendance for this academic year - an amazing achievement!

Doors open for all classes at 8:40am (external gates will be open from 8:30am - please do not arrive earlier than this as it is unsafe to have children on site, unsupervised.)

Lessons will begin promptly and registers will close at 8:55am - if you arrive after this time you will be marked late. 

The school day finishes for all classes at 3:15pm

In a typical week this totals 32.5 hours for all year groups. 

Rewards for great attendance

The class who have the highest attendance in EYFS/Key Stage 1 win additional playtime! The class in KS2 who have the highest attendance in KS2 go into dinner first on a Friday! Figures will be published each week. 

National Awards for Attendance

We are delighted that we have won another award for our attendance!

We have been placed in the top 10% of all primary schools (FFT users) for our Spring Term attendance data!! Well done everyone! 

FFT Spring 2023 Certificate.PNG

Eccleston Lane Ends has placed in the top 25% of primary schools (FFT Users) nationally for our attendance in Autumn Term 2022-23. Attendance Certificate Autumn Term 2022-23.PNG

Individual Rewards

As well as our class rewards, we also have individual awards for fantastic attendance.

Bronze Award - 1 term of 100% attendance

Silver Award - 2 terms of 100% attendance

Gold Award & Medal presentation - 3 terms of 100% attendance 

Term Time Holidays

Holidays taken in term times will not be authorised. Please see our school attendance policy for more information on attendance. 



Attendance Grid.PNG


Punctuality for website.JPG


The Dfe have provided guidance in conjunction with the NHS to support children attending school.  There are current guidelines for schools and nurseries about when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn't.  For further information on this guidance please click the link below:-



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Contact us at Eccleston Lane Ends Primary School

Business Manager: Mrs H Simms
SENCo: Ms C Grant
Albany Avenue
Eccleston Park
L34 2QN